You might be using an ERP to drive your various financial processes today, but is it offering you everything you want or need? Similarly, when supervising supplier invoices, you are still doing too much manual work and more than you require. A well-designed ERP system incorporates multiple business processes into one, but it won't be adequate to determine your AP issues. Therefore, ERPs were primarily used by global corporations because they were the only ones who could afford to implement them. But, with the upgrade of cloud-based ERP solutions, this trend has changed. Apps Run the World evaluates that the cloud ERP market size will balloon to $32.1 billion by 2025 globally, with total ERP market values growing to $98 billion. ERPs are designed to simplify business processes and record information, but they won't help if you want to turn your AP department into a profit centre. ERPs aren't designed for invoice capture, approval, and matching. When you consider a re...