Did you know that supply chain finance programs can help you earn cash quickly? But, before you decide to tread on this path, make sure you are aware of other financing options as well. While a bit tricky, supply chain financing can allow small businesses to extend payment dates, keep their credit scores intact, and keep the suppliers’ cash flow smooth. In this case, suppliers receive advanced payments on their pending invoices from a third-party funder. When the small business receives the payment, the money is then returned to the third-party funder. Come Invoice Factoring: How Does It Impact Supply Chain Management? Invoice factoring is a small business loan. It is often used to get money on outstanding invoices immediately. In this case, also, the third-party lender buys the accounts receivable. Although it sounds similar to supply chain financing, this lending is asset-based. Here in the company’s accounts receivable acts as collateral. Invoice factori...